Keeping Intimacy Alive

February 19, 2014
Make a Valentine

It only takes a few months of running regularly to transform a couch potato into a runner who can complete a 5K race in a respectable time. There's even a training program out there called “couch to 5k.” But 5K to 10K is not so easy. Once you achieve physical fitness, you have to keep up the discipline of regular running, and even incorporate different types of exercise.

The same is true of intimacy within a relationship. Couples usually achieve a healthy and vibrant physical relationship early on, but regular attention to intimacy is vital to keeping every aspect of a couple's bond strong.

Variety, and Intimate Creativity Provide the Spark

The French say that, “appetite comes with eating.” Often translated into English as “the more we have, the more we want,” it points to a universal truth – an initial spark is all it takes to prompt a fire, ideally a fiery romance.

So create a spark by switching up the routine. Like a fitness routine, even the patterns of intimacy can become stale without a little bit of innovation. Sometimes when one partner gets creative and changes the location, attire or atmosphere of an intimate encounter, the physical relationship is ignited anew.

A new hairstyle, or professionally-tailored outfit, turning off the TV for one night, having dinner in a different room, a hike to a remote and scenic location, scented candles, or even a new playlist, all help break the pattern and provide that spark.

And if we may, get creative intimately. A Brazilian wax, a full body scrub, and an application of the vaginal moisturizer Replens, at least two hours prior to intercourse, will give you the confidence to step outside of the ordinary.

Intimacy Starts with Daily, Ongoing Connections

A strong physical relationship never exists in a vacuum; it is an outgrowth of quality time, encouraging words, service and even gifts through typical days and weeks. When you understand your partner's prominent love language and make an effort to love him or her in that way, you pave the way for the kind of intimacy that can only be forged by a true heart connection with another person.

Don't Let Other Obligations Crowd Out Intimacy

It's hard for newlyweds to imagine, but as years are added to a relationship so are the myriad responsibilities that threaten to distance a couple from what first brought them together. When children, careers and other family concerns overwhelm and exhaust a couple, they must be united in their determination to keep the intimate aspect of their relationship from being extinguished.

Put it on the calendar if you must. But make setting aside time for yourself a routine like brushing your teeth.

Find the time where you can. This might mean a well-orchestrated date at lunchtime when the kids are in school, or a surprise getaway to a nearby hotel in the middle of the week. Strong, honest communication between partners is imperative, because when intimacy is flagging a couple needs to talk to each other about it and work together to rekindle the spark.

Stay In Shape – Stay In Touch With Your Partner

Physical fitness is important, and keeping it high on your priority list can lead to better health and a longer life. But in the same way, intimacy is crucial for a relationship to survive and thrive, and so it should also receive a regular diagnosis and periodic injections of creativity and spontaneity. The physical relationship will suffer if neglected, so couples should prioritize intimacy even when life is hectic.

Make it a commitment – Intimacy First!

Vibrant Voice Ambassador at Replens
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